Movember allows many of us to get involved in a charitable cause in a fun and quirky way, whilst drawing attention to fundamental issues that affect millions of men all around the world:
Many men do not have the confidence to talk about mental health issues or are hesitant to seek medical attention.
Arguably now a global phenomenon, Movember aims to help bring awareness to, and in turn, prevent mental health issues as well as prostate and testicular cancer – proving that sometimes we have to have a laugh in order to talk about something serious.
What happens during Movember?
Movember is best known for the famous (or perhaps in some cases infamous!) growth of moustaches: Perhaps one of the most popular of activities during Movember involves men growing the hair above their lip as a conversational starter for men’s health.
A more recent part of Movember is the ‘move for November’ in which one commits to walking or running sixty miles over the course of a month. This running goal poignantly represents the spine-chilling statistic of the sixty men losing their lives to suicide every hour around the world. Not only does this help raise awareness of the cause, but many studies also show how keeping active can help improve mental health and stress levels.
Why the focus on men?
Men are statistically much slower to take action on their health than women. And more often than not, when men do seek help it is regrettably too late. Unfortunately, it is a traditional notion that for men to speak about their problems is a sign of weakness, and men often feel uncomfortable talking about their issues.
At Alpian, we are showing up for Movember this year by starting our own Movember team: Mo’Alpian! We are committed to raising awareness and funds this year – and yes, to growing some truly spectacular mustaches. Join us to support the initiative!
What can I do?
Perhaps you have already made plans for this Movember. Or perhaps you are still wondering what the best way to get involved may be (beyond showing off your moustache and going to the doctors for checkups).
A powerful commitment to men’s health is donating: The Movember Foundation has already funded more than 1,200 projects supporting men’s health all over the planet. A staggering 1 billion CHF were raised during the past 18 years.
At Alpian, we are showing up for Movember this year by starting our own Movember team: Mo’Alpian! We are committed to raising awareness and funds this year – and yes, to growing some truly spectacular moustaches. Join us to support the initiative!
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