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At i-vest, we’re always looking for new ways to inspire and motivate our readers. That’s why we’re excited to present another interview with world-renowned freerider and wingsuit pilot Géraldine Fasnacht, Alpian’s Chief Inspiration Officer. 

Géraldine is known for pushing the boundaries and pushing herself to the limit in the pursuit of excellence. We recently had the chance to sit down with her and ask her about her career, being a mom, and the ways in which investing and extreme sports are similar. 

In this interview, you’ll have the opportunity to watch a video of our conversation with Géraldine and learn more about what makes her tick.  

Whether you’re an experienced investor or just starting out, we hope that her words will inspire you to take your financial journey to the next level. 

About the author

Driven by a need for clarity and simplicity on all things wealth related, the i-vest team works closely with senior financial experts and advisors to dive deeper into the world of finance, investment and wealth to make it more relevant for you.

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